Schlagwort: narrative

  • sugar maple – a podcast with a ring structure

    sugar maple – a podcast with a ring structure

    Sugar Maple is an eight-episode dramatic fiction podcast from Osiris Media. Each episode centers around one owner of a semi-mythical Fender Telecaster electric guitar. The story stretches across several decades and musical styles, over which the Telecaster, „Sugar Maple“ is played by a series of musicians. To each, the guitar brings both (ephemereal) success and…

  • Case Studies on Ring Structures

    Case Studies on Ring Structures

    Over time, we will blog about Ring Structures in diverse texts – as befits the loose structure of a blog, not in a particular methodic fashion, but rather one example at a time. Examples will probably include (and completed entries will be linked from this list): Hopefully, from the description a number of common elements…

  • Circle Loop Pool Electric – A blog on ring structures

    Circle Loop Pool Electric – A blog on ring structures

    This blog asks about Ring Structures in diverse texts and tries to describe differences and similarities. The aim is to find out which meanings a certain textural structure conveys.